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# react-custom-popup
React Custom Popup is a React component for simply building custom popups and
## Installation
react-custom-popup requires **React 16.4.0 or later** and
**ReactDOM 16.4.0 or later**.
yarn add --dev react-custom-popup
This assumes that youre using [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/) package manager
with a module bundler like [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/).
## Usage
The following snippet shows the example usage of react-custom-popup.
import React from 'react';
import Popup from 'react-custom-popup';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.refButton = React.createRef();
this.state = {
popupVisible: false
onShowPopupButtonClick (event) {
this.setState({popupVisible: true});
onHidePopup (event) {
this.setState({popupVisible: false});
render () {
return (
Show Popup
<h2>Hello, I'm a popup!</h2>
<button onClick={this.onHidePopup}>Close</button>
### Styling
react-custom-popup includes CSS file that provides generic styles for the
popup. It's recommended to include it in your project's styles.
You can customize aspects of the popup's layout by passing a custom CSS class
using the *className* prop.
## API
### `Popup`
This is the custom popup component. It renders the popup in a React portal.
Example DOM structure rendered by the component:
<div className="bthlabs-react-custom-popup">
<div className="bthlabs-rcp-overlay" />
<div className="bthlabs-rcp-inner">
<!-- Children will be rendered here -->
The `div.bthlabs-rcp-inner` will be positioned according to the anchor. If
anchor isn't passed, the position will default to `left: 0px; top: 0px;`,
unless modified by `onLayout` prop.
* `anchor` (*React ref*, optional) - a ref to an anchor element which will be
used to position the inner layer.
* `className` (*string*, optional) - custom CSS class.
* `hideOverlay` (*boolean*, optional) - allows the wrapping component to hide
the overlay. Defaults to `false`.
* `visible` (*boolean*, required) - specifies whether the popup is visible.
* `onLayout` (*function*, optional) - callback which allows the wrapping
component to modify the inner layer's layout. Read below for more information.
* `onOverlayClick` (*function*, optional) - *onClick* handler for the
`div.bthlabs-rcp-overlay` element.
**The onLayout callback**
The *onLayout* prop allows the wrapping component to modify the inner layer's
layout. If specified, it should accept an array of integers (`[<left>, <top>]`)
and return an array of either two or more integers
(`[<left>, <top>, <width>, <height>]`). The *width* and *height* fields can
be omitted.
Example *onLayout* callback:
const onLayout = (layout) => {
return [
layout[0] + 10, // left
layout[1] + 20, // top
100, // width
200 // height
This function would shift the inner layer by 10px to the right and 20px to the
bottom and
set its size to 100px of width and 200px of height.
## Development
To bootstrap the development environment, clone the repo and run `npm install`
from the root directory.
The `package.json` file provides the following scripts:
* `build` - builds the library modules,
* `build:example` - builds the example project,
* `lint` - performs an eslint run over the source code,
* `test` - performs a single test run,
* `test:watch` - starts karma with watcher.
**NOTE**: Tests require *Chromium* to be installed and available in the path.
docs for more info.
## Contributing
If you think you found a bug or want to send a patch, feel free to contact
me through e-mail.
If you're sending a patch, make sure it passes eslint checks and is tested.
## Author
react-custom-popup is developed by [Tomek Wójcik](https://www.bthlabs.pl/).
## License
react-custom-popup is licensed under the MIT License.