
328 lines
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2024-09-14 20:30:58 +00:00
(set #sub-dir "data") ;name of the sub-directory if any
(set #readme-file "ReadMe") ;name of readme file
(set #man-file "Manual") ;name of manual file
(set #hint-file "Hints") ;name of hint file
(set #sol-file "Solution") ;name of solution file
(set #highs-file "highs") ;name of high scores file
(set #exename "") ;name of executable program
(set #prefix "ElectroMAN")
; copy file including icon if exist
; #copy-file - name of file to copy
(procedure P_CopyFile
(exists #copy-file)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source #copy-file)
(dest #dest)
(exists ("" #copy-file))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("" #copy-file))
(dest #dest)
(dest (tackon #dest #copy-file))
; checks if given program is installed, if not abort install
; #program - to check
(procedure P_ChkRun
(= 0 (run ("cd SYS:\nWhich %s" #program)))
"You must install \"" #program "\" first!\n"
"It must be accessible via the path.\n"
"You can find it in the WHDLoad package."
; Wait for inserting disk
; IN: #AD_disk - name of disk
; OUT: -
(procedure P_disk
(dest #AD_disk)
(prompt ("\nInsert Disk \"%s\" in any drive!" #AD_disk))
(help @askdisk-help)
(procedure P_InstallDisk
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("%s:" #AD_disk))
(dest #dest)
(procedure P_Install
(set #AD_disk "ELECTROMAN")
(set #AD_disk "SOUNDDATA")
(< @installer-version (+ (* 44 65536) 10))
"Warning: your installer is outdated.\n"
"All features of this installation won't be available, such as icon show and drawer opening.\n"
"You have version " (/ @installer-version 65536) "."
(BITAND @installer-version 65535) ", needed is at least version 44.10. "
"The 'installer' 44.10 comes with OS 3.5 but is also contained in the NDK 3.9. "
"You may also use the InstallerNG by Jens Tröger."
"The installers can be obtained from the net:\n"
(set #newstuff 0)
(set #newstuff 1)
(exists #readme-file)
(= 0 (run ("SYS:Utilities/Multiview %s" #readme-file)))
(run ("SYS:Utilities/More %s" #readme-file))
(set #program "WHDLoad")
(set #suffix "") ; replace by suffix if dic slave is peculiar
(getenv "WHDLInstPath")
(set @default-dest (getenv "WHDLInstPath"))
(set #dest
"Where should \"" @app-name "\" be installed?\n"
"A drawer \"" #prefix "\" will be automatically created."
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
; update for the end message
(set @default-dest #dest)
(run ("setenv WHDLInstPath \"%s\"\ncopy ENV:WHDLInstPath ENVARC:" #dest))
(set #dest (tackon #dest #prefix))
(set #dest-org #dest)
(exists #dest)
(set #choice
"\nDirectory \"" #dest "\" already exists.\n"
"Should it be deleted?"
(default 1)
(choices "Delete" "Skip")
(help @askbool-help)
(= #choice 1)
(run ("Delete \"%s\" \"\" All" #dest #dest))
(makedir #dest
(help @makedir-help)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("%s.Slave" #prefix #suffix))
(dest #dest)
(if (exists ("%s.glowexot" #prefix)) ((set #icon 7)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-gex "Exotic GlowIcon")) (set #icon-gex ""))
(if (exists ("%s.newexot" #prefix)) ((set #icon 6)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-nex "Exotic NewIcon")) (set #icon-nex ""))
(if (exists ("%s.exoticon" #prefix)) ((set #icon 5)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-exo "Exoticon")) (set #icon-exo ""))
(if (exists ("%s.glowicon" #prefix)) ((set #icon 4)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-glo "Glow Icon")) (set #icon-glo ""))
(if (exists ("%s.coloricon" #prefix)) ((set #icon 3)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-col "OS3.5 Icon")) (set #icon-col ""))
(if (exists ("%s.newicon" #prefix)) ((set #icon 2)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-new "NewIcon")) (set #icon-new ""))
(if (exists ("%s.romicon" #prefix)) ((set #icon 1)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-rom "RomIcon")) (set #icon-rom ""))
(if (exists ("%s.inf" #prefix)) ((set #icon 0)(set #icnt (+ 1 #icnt))(set #icon-nor "Normal")) (set #icon-nor ""))
(procedure P_Icon
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("%s.%s" #prefix #icon-suf))
(newname ("" #icon-name))
(dest #icon-dir)
(dest (tackon #icon-dir #icon-name))
(> #icnt 1)
(set #icon-dir ("T:%s Icons" #prefix))
(makedir #icon-dir
(help @makedir-help)
(if #icon-nor ((set #icon-suf "inf") (set #icon-name #icon-nor) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-rom ((set #icon-suf "romicon") (set #icon-name #icon-rom) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-new ((set #icon-suf "newicon") (set #icon-name #icon-new) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-col ((set #icon-suf "coloricon") (set #icon-name #icon-col) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-glo ((set #icon-suf "glowicon") (set #icon-name #icon-glo) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-exo ((set #icon-suf "exoticon") (set #icon-name #icon-exo) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-nex ((set #icon-suf "newexot") (set #icon-name #icon-nex) (P_Icon)))
(if #icon-gex ((set #icon-suf "glowexot") (set #icon-name #icon-gex) (P_Icon)))
(if (= #newstuff 1)
(openwbobject #icon-dir)
(set #icon
(prompt "\nWhich icon would you like to install?\n")
(choices #icon-nor #icon-rom #icon-new #icon-col #icon-glo #icon-exo #icon-nex #icon-gex)
(default #icon)
(help @askchoice-help)
(if (= #newstuff 1)
(closewbobject #icon-dir)
(delete #icon-dir
(help @delete-help)
(set #isnewicon 0)
(select #icon
(set #icon "inf")
(set #icon "romicon")
(set #icon "newicon")
(set #isnewicon 1)
(set #icon "coloricon")
(set #icon "glowicon")
(set #icon "exoticon")
(set #icon "newexot")
(set #isnewicon 1)
(set #icon "glowexot")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("%s.%s" #prefix #icon))
(newname ("" #prefix))
(dest #dest)
(= #isnewicon 1)
(dest (tackon #dest #prefix))
(settooltype "Slave")
(settooltype "PreLoad")
(dest (tackon #dest #prefix))
(settooltype "PreLoad" "")
(settooltype "Slave" ("%s.Slave" #prefix))
(dest (tackon #dest #prefix))
(setdefaulttool "WHDLoad")
(setstack 10240)
(set #copy-file #readme-file)
(set #copy-file #man-file)
(set #copy-file #hint-file)
(set #copy-file #sol-file)
(= #sub-dir "")
(set #dest (tackon #dest #sub-dir))
(makedir #dest
(help @makedir-help)
(set #copy-file #highs-file)
(makedir (tackon #dest "save")
(help @makedir-help)
(makedir (tackon #dest "libs")
(help @makedir-help)
(if (= #newstuff 1)
(openwbobject #dest-org)