# sass-spritemaker Convert a bunch of PNGs to a Sass spritemap. ## Installation sass-spritemaker requires **Node 6.9.0 or later**. ``` npm install --save-dev @bthlabs/sass-spritemaker ``` This assumes that you’re using [npm](http://npmjs.com/) package manager. sass-spritemaker supports [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/), too. ## Usage example The following JavaScript code demonstrates the most common usage of the library: ```javascript const {spritemaker} = require('../lib/spritemaker.js'); spritemaker({ files: ['./icons/*.png'], output: './output/' }); ``` ## API ### `spritemaker(options)` This is the main entrypoint of the library. The *options* argument is an object that specifies the function's behaviour. **Options object fields**: * `fields` - array of globs that will be resolved to construct input files list. Defaults to `[]`. * `output` - path to output directory. Defaults to `sprite/`. * `urlPrefix` - URL prefix for background image URLs. Defaults to `/`. ## Development To bootstrap the development environment, clone the repo and run `npm install` from the root directory. The `package.json` file provides the following scripts: * `lint` - performs an eslint run over the source code, * `test` - performs a single test run. ## Contributing If you think you found a bug or want to send a patch, feel free to contact me through e-mail. If you're sending a patch, make sure it passes eslint checks and is tested. ## Author sass-spritemaker is developed by [Tomek Wójcik](https://www.bthlabs.pl/). ## License sass-spritemaker is licensed under the MIT License.