
202 lines
7.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import codecs
import datetime
import logging
import os
import lxml
import mock
from q3stats.lib.scripts import import_games, utils
from q3stats.models import Game
from q3stats.testing import BaseQ3StatsTestCase
class FakeArgs(object):
'stats_path': '/path/to/q3/stats',
'verbose': False,
def __init__(self, **update):
args = dict(self.DEFAULTS)
for k, v in args.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
class Test_LibScriptsImportGames(BaseQ3StatsTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(Test_LibScriptsImportGames, cls).setUpClass()
cls._stats_path = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'fixtures', 'stats'
cls._game_xml_path = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'fixtures', 'game.xml'
def test_find_stats_files(self):
result = import_games._find_stats_files(self._stats_path)
assert len(result) == 4
unique_days = set()
for path in result:
assert path.startswith(self._stats_path)
assert path.endswith('.xml')
os.path.dirname(path).replace(self._stats_path + '/', '')
assert unique_days == set(['2017/02/20', '2017/02/21'])
def test_read_match(self):
result = import_games._read_match(self._game_xml_path)
assert result is not None
assert result.tag == 'match'
def test_read_game(self):
match = import_games._read_match(self._game_xml_path)
result = import_games._read_game(match)
assert result is not None
assert result.uuid is not None
assert result.map == 'Q3DM7'
assert result.date == datetime.date(2017, 2, 20)
assert result.time == datetime.time(14, 36, 26)
assert result.attrs['type'] == 'FFA'
assert result.attrs['team_game'] is False
assert result.attrs['duration'] == 583
def test_read_scores(self):
match = import_games._read_match(self._game_xml_path)
result = import_games._read_scores(match)
assert len(result) == 2
pl1_score, pl2_score = result[0]
assert pl1_score.player == 'Player 1'
assert pl1_score.score == 30
assert pl1_score.kills == 30
assert pl1_score.deaths == 21
assert pl1_score.suicides == 0
assert pl1_score.net == 9
assert pl1_score.damage_given == 4894
assert pl1_score.damage_taken == 4329
assert pl1_score.total_health == 925
assert pl1_score.total_armor == 1255
assert pl1_score.weapons['G']['hits'] == 1
assert pl1_score.weapons['G']['shots'] == 0
assert pl1_score.weapons['G']['kills'] == 1
assert pl1_score.weapons['MG']['hits'] == 82
assert pl1_score.weapons['MG']['shots'] == 325
assert pl1_score.weapons['MG']['kills'] == 1
assert pl1_score.weapons['SG']['hits'] == 29
assert pl1_score.weapons['SG']['shots'] == 192
assert pl1_score.weapons['SG']['kills'] == 2
assert pl1_score.weapons['RL']['hits'] == 51
assert pl1_score.weapons['RL']['shots'] == 140
assert pl1_score.weapons['RL']['kills'] == 21
assert pl1_score.weapons['RG']['hits'] == 9
assert pl1_score.weapons['RG']['shots'] == 34
assert pl1_score.weapons['RG']['kills'] == 4
assert pl1_score.weapons['PG']['hits'] == 14
assert pl1_score.weapons['PG']['shots'] == 117
assert pl1_score.weapons['PG']['kills'] == 1
assert pl1_score.items['MH'] == 3
assert pl1_score.items['RA'] == 5
assert pl1_score.items['YA'] == 5
assert pl1_score.items['GA'] == 0
assert pl1_score.powerups == {}
assert pl2_score.player == 'Player 2'
assert pl2_score.score == 27
assert pl2_score.kills == 28
assert pl2_score.deaths == 19
assert pl2_score.suicides == 1
assert pl2_score.net == 8
assert pl2_score.damage_given == 5822
assert pl2_score.damage_taken == 3792
assert pl2_score.total_health == 810
assert pl2_score.total_armor == 930
assert pl2_score.weapons['G']['hits'] == 1
assert pl2_score.weapons['G']['shots'] == 0
assert pl2_score.weapons['G']['kills'] == 1
assert pl2_score.weapons['MG']['hits'] == 56
assert pl2_score.weapons['MG']['shots'] == 244
assert pl2_score.weapons['MG']['kills'] == 1
assert pl2_score.weapons['SG']['hits'] == 55
assert pl2_score.weapons['SG']['shots'] == 256
assert pl2_score.weapons['SG']['kills'] == 3
assert pl2_score.weapons['RL']['hits'] == 70
assert pl2_score.weapons['RL']['shots'] == 163
assert pl2_score.weapons['RL']['kills'] == 19
assert pl2_score.weapons['RG']['hits'] == 6
assert pl2_score.weapons['RG']['shots'] == 19
assert pl2_score.weapons['RG']['kills'] == 1
assert pl2_score.weapons['PG']['hits'] == 18
assert pl2_score.weapons['PG']['shots'] == 173
assert pl2_score.weapons['PG']['kills'] == 3
assert pl2_score.items['MH'] == 1
assert pl2_score.items['RA'] == 1
assert pl2_score.items['YA'] == 7
assert pl2_score.items['GA'] == 0
assert pl2_score.powerups['Quad'] == [5, 51188]
def test_read_stats_file(self):
result = import_games._read_stats_file(self._game_xml_path)
assert result is not None
assert result.map == 'Q3DM7'
assert len(result.scores) == 2
def test_get_argument_parser(self):
new_argument_parser = mock.Mock(spec=argparse.ArgumentParser)
with mock.patch.object(import_games, 'ArgumentParser',
result = import_games._get_argument_parser()
description='Import Q3A stats'
assert result == new_argument_parser
'stats_path', help='path to stats directory'
'-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
help='be verbose'
def test_script_main(self):
new_argument_parser = mock.Mock(spec=argparse.ArgumentParser)
new_logger = mock.Mock(spec=logging.Logger)
with mock.patch.object(import_games, '_get_argument_parser',
with mock.patch.object(import_games.utils, 'get_logger',
with mock.patch.object(import_games, '_find_stats_files',
result = import_games.script_main(
None, config=self._config
assert result == utils.RET_OK
with utils.db_session(self._config) as session:
games = session.query(Game).all()
assert len(games) == 1
assert games[0].map == 'Q3DM7'
assert len(games[0].scores) == 2