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.. _requirements_and_installation:
Requirements and installation
This document describes the PieTime requirements and installation process.
PieTime requires the following to work:
* Python 2.7,
* PyGame 1.9.1 (also tested with 1.9.2a0),
* requests 2.4.1 (should work with newer versions).
Installing on Raspbian Jessie
If you're using Raspbian Jessie on your Raspberry Pi, you can install PieTime
using binary packages by following the guide below.
**Add PieTime APT repository**
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pie-time.list and add the following
.. sourcecode:: text
deb https://pie-time.bthlabs.pl/repos/apt/ raspbian-jessie main
**Import the repository signing key**
.. sourcecode:: console
$ wget --quiet -O - https://pie-time.bthlabs.pl/keys/apt.asc | sudo apt-key add -
**Update the package lists and install PieTime**
.. sourcecode:: console
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install pie-time
Installing on other systems using PyPI
If you wish to install PieTime on system other than Raspbian Jessie (and
potentially on device other than Raspberry Pi), you can do so using the
PyPI package by using the guide below.
#. Install PyGame dependencies,
#. Run ``$ sudo pip install pie_time`` to install PieTime and its dependencies.
**NOTE**: The second step may require installing additional packages from the
system repository, depending on your current setup.
Installing from the source
In order to install PieTime, please follow the guide below. Note that this
guide assumes Unix-like OS and root access.
#. Install PyGame dependencies,
#. Clone the repository ``$ git clone https://git.bthlabs.pl/tomekwojcik/pie-time.git``,
#. Enter the PieTime directory: ``$ cd pie-time``,
#. Install PieTime: ``$ python setup.py install``.
**NOTE**: The fourth step may require installing additional packages from the
system repository, depending on your current setup.
Installing as non-root user
If you wish to install PieTime as non-root user, you can do so by installing
it from the PyPI package or source code using a virtual env.
To learn more about Python virtual envs, see the
`virtual env documentation <https://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`_