Overview ======== This section provides the general overview of Keep It Secret. Installation ------------ .. code-block:: shell $ pip install keep_it_secret Usage ----- Keep It Secret gives a developer API needed to declare secrets used by the app and access them in a secure, uniform manner. Consider the following example: .. code-block:: python from secrets_manager import ( AbstractField, EnvField, LiteralField, Secrets, SecretsField, ) from secrets_manager.ext.aws import AWSSecrets, AWSSecretsManagerField class AppSecrets(Secrets): secret_key: str = AbstractField.new() db_password: str = EnvField.new('APP_DB_PASSWORD', required=True) pbkdf2_iterations_count: int = EnvField( 'APP_PBKDF2_ITERATIONS_COUNT', default=16384, required=False, as_type=int, ) class DevelopmentSecrets(AppSecrets): secret_key: str = LiteralField.new('thisisntsecure') class ProductionSecrets(AppSecrets): aws: AWSSecrets = SecretsField.new(AWSSecrets) secret_key: str = AWSSecretsManagerField( 'app/production/secret_key', required=True, ) db_password: str = AWSSecretsManagerField( 'app/production/db_password', required=True, ) The ``AppSecrets`` class serves as base class for environment specific classes. The environment specific classes can overload any field, add new fields and extend the base class to provide custom behaviour. The ``DevelopmentSecrets`` class uses environment variables and literal values to provide secrets suitable for the development environment: .. code-block:: pycon >>> development_secrets = DevelopmentSecrets() >>> development_secrets.secret_key 'thisisntsecure' >>> development_secrets.db_password 'spam' >>> development_secrets.pbkdf2_iterations_count 1024 The ``ProductionSecrets`` class uses environment variables and AWS Secrets Manager to provide secrets suitable for the development environment: .. code-block:: pycon >>> production_secrets = ProductionSecrets() >>> production_secrets.aws.access_key_id 'anawsaccesskey' >>> production_secrets.secret_key 'asecuresecretkey' >>> production_secrets.db_password 'asecuredbpassword' >>> production_secrets.pbkdf2_iterations_count 16384