# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import annotations import typing from keep_it_secret.fields import Field TFields: typing.TypeAlias = dict[str, Field] def process_class_attributes(attributes) -> tuple[dict[str, typing.Any], TFields]: new_attributes: dict[str, typing.Any] = {} fields: TFields = {} for attribute_name, attribute in attributes.items(): if isinstance(attribute, Field) is True: fields[attribute_name] = attribute else: new_attributes[attribute_name] = attribute return new_attributes, fields def field_property_factory(field_name: str, field: Field) -> property: def getter(instance: Secrets) -> typing.Any: if field_name not in instance.__secrets_data__: field: Field = instance.__secrets_fields__[field_name] instance.__secrets_data__[field_name] = field(instance) return instance.__secrets_data__[field_name] return property(fget=getter, doc=field.description) class SecretsBase(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attributes, **kwargs): super_new = super().__new__ fields = {} for base in bases: if isinstance(base, SecretsBase) is True: fields.update(base.__secrets_fields__) new_attributes, cls_fields = process_class_attributes(attributes) final_fields = {**fields, **cls_fields} new_attributes['__secrets_fields__'] = final_fields new_class = super_new(cls, name, bases, new_attributes, **kwargs) for field_name, field in final_fields.items(): field.name = f'{name}.{field_name}' setattr( new_class, field_name, field_property_factory(field_name, field), ) return new_class class Secrets(metaclass=SecretsBase): """ The base Secrets class, used to declare application-specfic secrets containers. Example: .. code-block:: python class AppSecrets(Secrets): secret_key: str = AbstractField.new() db_password: str = EnvField.new('APP_DB_PASSWORD', required=True) not_a_secret = 'spam' def do_something(self) -> bool: return 'eggs' When instantiated, ``AppSecrets`` will evaluate each of the fields and fill in instance properties with the appropriate values. Attributes which don't evaluate to :py:class:`Field` instances will not be modified. Secrets classes retain their behaviour when they're subclassed. This allows the developer to compose env-specific secrets: .. code-block:: python class DevelopmentSecrets(AppSecrets): secret_key: str = LiteralField.new('thisisntsecure') In this case, the ``secret_key`` field gets overloaded, while all the others remain as declared in ``AppSecrets``. :param parent: The parent :py:class:`Secrets` subclass or ``None``. """ __secrets_fields__: TFields def __init__(self, parent: Secrets | None = None): self.__secrets_parent__ = parent self.__secrets_data__: dict[str, typing.Any] = {} for field_name, field in self.__secrets_fields__.items(): self.__secrets_data__[field_name] = getattr(self, field_name)